Added 10 years, 9 months ago.

Painted orders need to be in before 9th Dec to enable me to process them for Christmas dispatch , raw resin orders cut off will be 16th Dec . I know it a early heads up!  I have loads of special projects to deal with.  

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7 years, 10 months ago.'s reply...

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Je comprends les réactions.Je voudrai simplement mettre un bémol.M.A. a aussi précisé que la négociation devrait se faire en fonction de la pénibilité des métiers exercés.Ele a aussi,je crois,parlé de réduction progressive d’activité.Ce sont de véritables pistes de réflexion.Il y a une différence entre un ouvrier de chantier de bâtiment,des salariés du tri postal de nuit,des infirmières etc et un employé de bureau d’un groupe pharmaceutique,d’une administration…La réduction progressive(au delà de 60 ans)° permettrait d’assurer le transfert intergénérationnel de l’expérience.

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7 years, 7 months ago.'s reply...

Sharp thinking! Thanks for the answer.

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The Guardian arti­cle was pretty good. The real answer in Sil­ver vs the Pun­dits, is that the pun­dits, in try­ing to give “equal time” and (actu­ally) fair and bal­anced, set up series of false equiv­a­lences and, fur­ther, fail to be jour­nal­ists when inter­view­ing can­di­dates and their sur­ro­gates. If they would con­cen­trate on actu­ally being jour­nal­ists instead of ref­er­ees, they would be bet­ter reporters of the truth.Speak­ing of CO and mod­er­ate Repub­li­cans, any­body heard from Bart? I’d hate to find out that he has done him­self harm after last Tuesday.

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blogger yang dapat dipercaya ya yosbeda.. hehehe,,, itu yang (maaf) geblek yang blogger terkenal/ternama yang ke 2,,, asal appprove tulisan aja ngga di search dulu itu ori kagak tulisanya

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L'Universo è vasto (...e infinito). Per questo penso che da qualche parte, anche se non dovessimo mai riuscire a scoprirla, qualche forma di vita (forse anche intelligente) ci debba essere. Con tutta probabilità non siamo soli. Un caro saluto, Fabio

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