28mm Dark Age Range
Perfectly suited for Gripping Beasts SAGA rulebooks  

28mm Dark Age Celtic Village
Browse through our enormous range of terrain buildings and accessories, all available painted

40mm American War of Independence
Browse the entire range of buildings by clicking here

28mm Modern Range featuring a range of
bunkers, emplacements, patrol boats and jungle huts, all available painted

28mm Medieval Range
Browse this extensive range including the pictured church collection

28mm Medieval Town Set
Available painted in a range of color schemes on request

28mm Middle East / Sudan Range
Including several houses and a variety of steam boats and accessories

28mm American War of Independence Range
Pictured: Colonial Town Buildings

Limited Edition Medieval Tower House
One of several limited edition feature piece models designed by GrandManner

28mm Carentan Collection 
Limited casting remain of the current models, dont wait if you want them

28mm Hartwell Tavern Collection
Part of the AWI / ACW range

28mm Gabion Earthworks / Star Fort Redoubt
Browse the entire collection of earthworks here

28mm Norman Fortlet
Browse our extensive ranges including many more forts for both DA and Roman


Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 - State Funeral/ National mourning 19th SEPT

Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 - State Funeral/ National mourning 19th SEPT

2 years, 1 month ago by Dave Bodley

Due to the sad event of the Queen passing we will be paying our respects on the 19th Sept so we will not be responding to email.   The web page will open earlier than planned on the 16th Sept.   

web page will reopen after summer break , 19th Sept/2022

web page will reopen after summer break , 19th Sept/2022

2 years, 1 month ago by Dave Bodley

The web page will re open on the 19th Sept 2022, raw resin only for website orders. Painted orders via email/[email protected]  Back from our summer break to give all those customers that e… Continue Reading »

WEB PAGE CLOSED - Catch up orders and Design work.

WEB PAGE CLOSED - Catch up orders and Design work.

2 years, 3 months ago by Dave Bodley

The web page is now closed to orders while I catch up with whats in the system before moving on to some Design work. Thanks for your orders, enjoy the summer , hopefully I can add enough to the range which will make everybody happy. 

Showing 22 to 24, of 158 News Posts found